Coffee without the coffee bean, bioplastic burial pods, fruit and algae clothing, soy straws, and more: The Digest’s Top 10 Innovations for the week of April 12th

April 11, 2019 |

#8 BioSafe’s alternative herbicide gets USDA-certified biobased label

In Connecticut, BioSafe Systems, LLC created a biobased herbicide that rapidly burns weeds within hours of application. AXXE’s active ingredient, Ammonium Nonanoate, is a plant fatty acid that penetrates the cell wall of plants, disrupting cellular function in targeted weeds. It kills weeds on contact and does not volatilize or systemically kill. AXXE produces no residue and does not have resistance issues. Its sustainable chemistry is made in America and OMRI-listed for organic use.

AXXE Broad Spectrum Herbicide is a non-selective and highly potent glyphosate alternative that does not come with the health concerns synonymous with conventional herbicide application. It is perfect for use in schools, playgrounds, hospitals, daycares, HOA’s, commercial and residential landscapes.

BioSafe Systems is proud to announce that AXXE is now a USDA Certified Biobased Product. This product label indicates that AXXE’s formula contains 100% biobased products, or rather, products that are derived from plants and other renewable agricultural, marine and forestry materials. The label recognizes AXXE as a sustainable product that follows the USDA BioPreferred Program’s goal of increasing the development, purchase and use of biobased products to improve environmental health.
More on the story, here.

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