A juicer that turns peels into bioplastic cups, shellfish plastic, White Dog Labs’ feed supplement, eucalyptus fiber and wool sneakers, plant starch dog toys, and more: The Digest’s Top 10 Innovations for the week of September 19th

September 18, 2019 |

#4 A-listers Leo and Jaden link up with Allbirds to save the Amazon

In San Francisco, Allbirds, a sustainable shoe brand popular with influencers, has partnered with Jaden Smith and Leonardo DiCaprio to save the embattled Amazon forest.

JUST Water, Smith’s eco-friendly water brands, and Allbirds collaborated on a small sneaker collection, the proceeds of which will benefit DiCaprio’s Amazon Forest Fund.

“When we saw the devastation of the Brazilian Amazon rainforest, we knew it was our duty to act,” JUST Water and Allbirds said in a joint statement.

The first sneaker of the collection, JUST Tree Runner, is made from eucalyptus tree fibers and merino wool and has already been seen adorning the feet of Sarah Jessica Parker and Mila Kunis.

The sustainable kicks retail for $115.
More on the story, here.

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