Running for Office on Climate Change?

May 13, 2020 |


Perfect Solutions for the wrong problems

Wonderful, there is not one word towards meeting those lofty goals with a simple attempt at a concrete proposal. To make it valid a bad pun is in order, you do not clean up the environment by muddying the waters with rhetoric, pompous manifestos and uninformed statistics.

There are 265 million cars in America of which one million are electric. Do you see where the disconnect between eliminating the internal combustion engine in favor of the battery powered device could be a problem? So when you stand in front of your constituents and potential voters, enunciate a real program. Do not hesitate to fly in the face of the easy and popular, although dance carefully along the lines of the real solution to transportation lies in electrifying a much larger portion of the miles we all have to travel. All personal cars cannot be battery powered so you suggest moving into the hydrogen economy with fuels cells that recharge with methane gas. And away you go!

A group headed by Robert Chew of H2E is pursuing a retail energy business focused on providing reasonable priced power and hydrogen to zero emission vehicles at well-designed stand-alone energy centers near major highways. The energy centers will service long distance travelers and also be able to service a local market by supporting local fleets sitting, ready to be built in Redding, Ca. on the I-5 Interstate joining Mexico to Canada and going through Portland, Seattle, San Jose San Fran and all the hot spots any politician would like to hit.

But you need to research this, and for many reasons it is not being done. The main reason is that politicians’ main function is to pass legislation, so they tout the legislation they have passed, not the cleaner air, not the jobs created from that legislation because that is not their responsibility, that is the voters’ bailiwick.

If, instead of relying on the scientific data that came out of the Stern memo or Al Gore’s very complex reasoning that lead to international recognition and several efforts to make a change before he quietly walked away in disgust, by putting even a small venture into the realm of the real and useful had been attempted the candidate would stand head and shoulders above the noise of the rest as they have been doing in Europe for twenty year or more. Over time, the windmills in Holland now power the rail system of that highly compact and urban little country.

Keep reading on the next pages for how hydrogen edges closer to mainstream, and more.

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