Top Biofuels Tweets: "The 'Green' murderers of the Gulf."

March 8, 2011 |

carbonmeme: Bill to Handcuff EPA’s Greenhouse Gas Regs a Mixed Bag for Biofuels Industry – NYT

accellerase: Official says corn for ethanol, livestock not conflicting.

thesingingharp: Biofuel-Harvesting Palm Oil Plantations Drive CO2 Levels Higher: As worldwide demand for both food and biofuels…

Sir_Templar: BUTAMAX – Dupont and BP Joint Venture into BioFuels – The ‘Green’ murderers of the Gulf

SciGuruNews: BESC scores a first with isobutanol directly from cellulose: In the quest for inexpensive biofuels, cellulose pr…

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