Biofuels Digest announces Biofuels International Canada conference & expo, with US-Canadian opportunities in focus

June 30, 2011 |

Is Canada on your mind? It’s been on ours lately.

There’s a technology story, and a feedstock story. Plus a bioenergy community, from federal to the local level, public to private, and across the supply chain, that’s been pulling something special together.

The US-Canada story is important too – and there really ought to be somewhere, where all the stakeholders can have a real dialogue about what US-Canada bioenergy opportunities are all about.

This October 3-4 in Calgary, I’d like you to join us for the Biofuels International Conference on Canada. It’s about the US, about Canada, and the nexus of opportunity between them.

• If you’ve followed the Olympiad project– the biggest advanced biofuels project yet planned for Canada – we’ll have Hunt Ramsbottom, CEO of Rentech, there to talk about it, and network with stakeholders.
• Marie-Helene Labrie will join us from Enerkem as we explore waste-to-energy via their signature project in Edmonton.
• Bill Brady, the Mascoma CEO who recently executed the largest M&A cross-border transaction with the formation of Mascoma Canada, will join us.
REG, the largest biodiesel company in the Americas.
• Ross MacLachlan, CEO of Lignol, one of our Biofuels Digest Index stocks.

Plus, Alberti Advisors‘s Doug Cameron, Imperium‘s CEO John Plaza. BioAmber, Agrisoma. Plus, more CEOs, provincial bioenergy leaders, national leaders in technology. Exploring the Canada-US connection, Canadian feedstocks, project opportunities, how to tap public support.  And more to come in the next few weeks.

Get more information on the program and registration, here.

Category: Fuels

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