Elsevier Biofuel launches: patent, R&D "deep discovery" tool

July 25, 2011 |

In New York, Elsevier launched Elsevier Biofuel, an online search tool that provides biofuel managers and research development professionals access to scientific, industrial, and commercial information. The platform allows users to search by keyword through millions of documents including past research, current studies, and methodologies to minimize waste in resources.

The Elsevier Biofuel tool allows users to drill down to keywords that pinpoint the exact information needed. Moreover, with the Elsevier Biofuel Tree Thesaurus (EBTT), research professionals can easily and accurately navigate through more than 900 journals and 800 books, 5.8 million patent documents, enriched with 500,000 domain specific keywords in the thesaurus and growing.

Category: Research

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