Biofuels Digest Index drops to 82.39, down nearly 10 percent in 2 weeks, as the bears stir

August 4, 2011 |

The Biofuels Digest Index™ (BDI), a basket of public biofuels stocks, dropped 1.52 percent to 82.39, down nearly 10 percent in 2 weeks, as advanced biofuels and ethanol struggled.  For the day, Archer Daniels Midland (ADM) recovered 3.32 percent to $29.55, while Solazyme (SZYM) plunged 7.94 percent to $20.52 in advance of its earnings report later today.  Among other equities, Pacific Ethanol (PEIX) shed another 6.49 percent to $0.72. Overall, declines led advances 6 to 5 for the day.

Category: Digest Index

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