Canada's Conference Board says biofuels knockers off their rockers

November 21, 2011 |

In Canada, the Conference Board of Canada has produced a report assessing the economic impact of the ethanol industry in Canada, its environmental and health effects, and the balance between the energy required to produce ethanol and the amount of energy generated.

A peppy review in the Globe and Mail said that it “blows away some of the long-held objections to ethanol,” but cautioned that the report is “is as dry as dust and will require much coffee for a normal reader to get through its 68 pages. As well, it must be pointed out, the report was paid for by the ethanol industry lobby group – the Canadian Renewable Fuels Association. However, economist Len Coad, its principal author, swears it’s objective and on the level.”

Good news as well, the report is available for free download.

Category: Fuels

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