Visegrad 6 biofuel industries call for 12% biofuels mandate for 2030

December 19, 2017 |

In Belgium, current RED 2 proposals would see oil’s share of transport sector energy increase and represents a “phase in” of oil to “phase out” biofuels a consortium of biofuel trade associations and leading producers from 6 Central Eastern European member states say in a joint submission to the European Council.

The joint statement calls on the Council to equally treat biofuels based on actual GHG saving and to promote actual use of renewable energy instead of virtual achievements via multiple counting.

A 12% minimum level of actual (not multiple counted) renewable energy in the transport sector in 2030 should be part of the RED II. Under the Presidency’s draft, a 2030 actual RES-T mix of 1.8% RES in electric vehicles and 3% RES from advanced biofuels would (due to the application of multiple counting) result in a nominal 12% RES-T achievement. That 12% would be comprised of 4.8% actual renewable energy and 7.2% oil. That would make “greenwashed” oil the major beneficiary of the RED II.

More on the story.

Category: Fuels

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