Neste Porvoo refinery major turnaround begins, investments of $388M

April 4, 2021 |

In Finland, Neste’s Porvoo refinery major turnaround will begin in stages this week and will last about 12 weeks and operating normally by end of June. The total investments of the Porvoo refinery major turnaround are estimated to be around EUR 330 million or $388 million.

It was originally planned for the spring 2020, but due to the coronavirus pandemic, the turnaround execution in planned scope was not possible and only the most critical maintenance works were completed in spring 2020.

After thorough planning work, the Porvoo refinery is preparing to execute a major turnaround starting in April. The duration of the turnaround is approximately 12 weeks. The shutdown of the process units will begin in stages on Monday 5 April 2021. After the maintenance work, the refinery is expected to be operating normally by the end of June.

Category: Fuels

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