Brazil sets new CBIOs target ranges through 2031

November 9, 2021 |

In Brazil, Agencia Brazil reports that the government has expanded the RenovaBio program to include carbon intensity production goals for the next 10 years. For 2021, the mandatory CBIOs target is 24.86 million while for 2022, it is 35.98 million CBIOs. Rather than fixed targets going forward, minimum and maximum levels will be established. For example, rather than the original 2023 mandatory target of 42.35 million CBIOs, a range of 33.85 million to 50.85 million CBIOs has been set. By 2031, a lower limit of 87.17 million and upper limit of 104.17 million CBIOs has been set with an expectation of 95.68 million CBIOs.

More on the story.

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