Chile promotes development of clean fuels for the aviation sector

January 18, 2023 |

In Chile, the Ministry of Transport and Telecommunications through the Civil Aeronautical Board (JAC) and in conjunction with the Energy Sustainability Agency of the Ministry of Energy, formalized the incorporation of the Catholic University of the Santísima Concepción (UCSC) to the Clean Flight program, which includes efforts from the public and private sectors, to promote energy sustainability in commercial aviation. The head of the MTT, Juan Carlos Muñoz, stated that “as part of the promoters of this program through the JAC, we want to highlight the incorporation of the academy to this initiative, where the Catholic University of the Santísima Concepción will be the first university in the country to start tests for the production of sustainable aviation fuels, with which we will take an important step to contribute to the decarbonization of the aviation industry by 2050”. UCSC has developed various investigations in the areas of alternative fuels based on various raw materials such as biomass and residual oils.

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Category: Fuels

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