Heathrow Airport calls UK government to take actions to boost SAF production

February 22, 2023 |

In the UK, the BBC reported that Heathrow Airport has called for the government to help make sustainable aviation fuel more commercially viable in the country. “It’s about economic opportunity, creating jobs here in the UK and securing the country’s future energy supplies,” said Heathrow CEO John Holland-Kaye. The executive added that although Heathrow has “led the way on decarbonizing aviation” with its green aviation fuel scheme, the SAF used by the airport is currently all imported. “If Britain really wants to compete with the scale of ambition and the credible action seen from the US and Europe, supportive government policy is needed and it is needed now,” the executive said. The UK government has previously said it wants five SAF plants under construction by 2025.

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Category: SAF

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