Enexor bioenergy awarded DOD demo grant for its bio-CHP system

May 1, 2023 |

In Tennessee, enexor bioenergy (Enexor) has been awarded a demonstration grant from the Department of Defense’s environmental security technology certification program (“ESTCP”). The funding will be utilized to demonstrate its novel Bio-CHP system at a U.S. Navy installation to convert organic and plastic waste into resilient, renewable energy.

The ESTCP program was launched as part of the Department of Defense’s efforts to demonstrate and validate promising innovative environmental and energy technologies and methodologies that address its high-priority environmental requirements. ESTCP demonstrations are conducted at DoD facilities and sites to document improved efficiency, reduced liability, improved environmental outcomes, and direct cost savings. Enexor was one of five companies selected to address the Topic:“energy resilience on dod installations .”

Enexor will utilize the funding to install its Bio-CHP renewable energy and carbon conversion system at a U.S. Navy installation with the primary goal and application of providing landfill diversion of organics and plastic waste streams and onsite renewable energy by converting it into grid-independent, renewable energy while offsetting greenhouse gases. The funding will further catalyze Enexor’s ongoing demonstration and pilot efforts to redirect Navy’s waste streams into high-value uses while mitigating Climate Change.

Category: Fuels

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