Infinium to buy 600,000 tons annually of Navigator’s piped CO2 to produce eFuels

May 22, 2023 |

In Nebraska, electrofuels provider Infinium and comprehensive carbon management company Navigator CO2 have entered into a Memorandum of Understanding and long-term relationship for Navigator to deliver 600,000 tons per annum of biogenic carbon dioxide from its Heartland Greenway system to a future Infinium facility for the production of electrofuels, also known as eFuels.

Infinium is developing next-generation fuels that will accelerate the market’s progress toward achieving climate goals during the ongoing energy transition. Infinium eFuels are created using CO2 that would otherwise be emitted into the atmosphere and renewable power-derived green hydrogen. Ultra-low carbon eFuels contain no sulfur and are cleaner burning than petroleum-based fuels.

Category: Fuels

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