Strategic Biofuels secures SLB for site derisking and FEED for CCS complex

June 27, 2023 |

In Louisiana, Strategic Biofuels has entered into an agreement with SLB, a global technology company, to provide carbon sequestration services for Strategic Biofuel’s Louisiana Green Fuels (LGF) Project, supporting the production of deeply carbon-negative fuels. In the past 20 years, SLB has been involved in over 100 carbon sequestration projects around the world in various industry sectors.

SLB will provide site de-risking and front-end engineering and design (FEED) services for the CCS complex that will be located on and around the biofuel refinery and BECCS plant. The agreement includes provisions for future services, including injection operations and long-term CO2 monitoring.

Category: Fuels

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