Many Roads to the Big H: The Digest’s Guide to Hydrogen Roadmaps 2023

August 15, 2023 |

Later this week, the United States is conducting a webinar to describe in detail the  U.S. National Clean Hydrogen Strategy and Roadmap, including an explanation of the benefits of clean hydrogen and its role in the clean energy transition. Leaders from DOE and the White House will also discuss progress on the whole-of-government approach to clean hydrogen (including approaches to environmental concerns), detailing how hydrogen-related work is organized and coordinated within DOE and across multiple federal agencies.

You can register for the August 18th session (10-11am ET), here. The strategy itself was published in June, and you can download it here.

But what else is going on in the busy national Departments of Roadmapping? There’s a lot, as it happens, and today in The Digest we are providing links to the all of the major national hydrogen strategy and roadmap documents. 

The Key Roadmaps

We’ll start with the International Energy Agency. Their Hydrogen and Fuel Cell technology Roadmap can be viewed here.


The European Union’s roadmap is here.

The United Kingdom’s roadmap is here.


Canada’s roadmap is here.

Chile’s roadmap is here.

Columbia’s roadmap is here.

Africa & The Middle East

South Africa’s roadmap is here.

United Arab Emirates’ roadmap is here.


Australia’s roadmap is here.

China’s roadmap is here.

India’s roadmap is here.

Japan’s roadmap is here.

Korea’s roadmap is here.

Singapore’s roadmap is here.

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