Brazilian researchers discover novel enzyme which could boost SAF production

September 3, 2023 |

In Brazil, Agencia Fapesp reported that biocatalyst discovered by Brazilian researchers has the potential to increase renewable biofuel output by removing obstacles in technology and production processes, as well as enhancing the manufacturing of bioplastics and biopolymers.

“After three and a half years of research, we identified an enzyme that can replace the traditional catalysts used in thermochemical routes for the production of aviation biokerosene,” said Letícia Zanphorlin, principal investigator for the project and head of the Brazilian Biorenewables National Laboratory (LNBR) at the Brazilian National Center for Research in Energy and Materials (CNPEM).

“Compared with conventional or chemical catalysts, the novel enzyme decarboxylates fatty acids with high yields and is selective for different sizes and types of carbon chain. It promotes deoxygenation, which is one of the trickiest processes to master in producing SAF,” Zanphorlin said.

More on the story.

Category: Research

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