Mexico approves environmental permits for green methanol plant

December 16, 2023 |

In Chile, BNamericas reported that the planning for the $2.2bn Pacífico Mexinol facility that will produce net-zero emissions methanol in Topolobampo, in Mexico’s Sinaloa state, is advancing faster than expected.

The report noted that environmental ministry Semarnat approved construction of the country’s first green methanol project under one condition, following the US ambassador to Mexico Ken Salazar disclosed the US investment in recent days.

Under the condition, US firm Transition Industries, which is in charge of construction, must ensure to reduce negative environmental impacts to a minimum. Semarnat determined “that the [green methanol plant] is environmentally viable, therefore it has been decided to authorize conditionally,” according to the report.

The report added that the company will build storage facilities for exporting the molecule to Asia and docks for receiving vessels, in addition to ducts for transporting green methanol.

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