Bolloré Energy transports B100 to EDF Archipel Guadeloupe from mainland France

January 18, 2024 |

In France, during the last quarter of 2023, Bolloré Energy teams won the call for tender from EDF Archipel Guadeloupe and thus participated in the transport of 300m3 of B100 biofuel from mainland France to the Guadeloupe archipelago.

Marketed under the Koolza100 brand, this low-carbon fuel is made from rapeseed oil, grown and processed in France. Its use, in the test phase for EDF, would make it possible to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from the Jarry Sud thermal power station by at least 40%.

The product was loaded into 13 tank-type containers (type 20 ISO TANK containers) from the Valtris Champlor production plant located in Verdun in eastern France. It was then transported by sea from the port of Le Havre to Guadeloupe. The Koolza100 was transported in 24 days, including 12 days at sea.

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