H2 Energy Group and Redding Rancheria to supply hydrogen to indigenous communities

January 31, 2024 |

In Texas, Victory Clean Energy Inc’s subsidiary H2 Energy Group Inc., a leading provider of Affordable Sustainable TrueGreen Hydrogen, and Redding Rancheria Economic Development Corporation, an organization dedicated to improving the lives of Native American communities, are pleased to announce their new venture in Northern California.

Through this project, H2 Energy Group will work with Redding Rancheria Economic Development Corporation to bring Affordable TrueGreen Hydrogen to Native American communities and Disadvantaged Communities in the area. H2 Energy Group will provide completely Sustainable TrueGreen Hydrogen™ technology and expertise to help these communities transition to Sustainable energy sources and reduce their reliance on fossil fuels.

This partnership represents a significant step forward in the effort to combat climate change and improve the lives of Native American and Disadvantaged Communities everywhere. H2 Energy Group is committed to working with Redding Rancheria Economic Development Corporation to create a brighter, more sustainable future for all.

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