South African consortium launches paper sludge to ethanol demo plant

April 29, 2024 |

In South Africa, the Paper Manufacturers Association of South Africa (PAMSA), in collaboration with Stellenbosch University (SU), Sappi Southern Africa and Mpact recently launched its demonstration plant converting cellulose fiber-rich waste from pulp and paper mill operations into ethanol using a specialised fermentation process.

Driven by the vast potential of this feedstock, the research by SU has shown that paper sludge, as well as food and textile waste, does not require pre-treatment before hydrolysis-fermentation. This solution will help to reduce the amount of waste disposed to landfill and the associated greenhouse gas emissions and improve water reclamation for re-use, further contributing to the circular economic and industrial decarbonisation.

The plant aims to demonstrate the commercial readiness of the fermentation technology under industrial conditions.

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