Harvestone adds another 75 million gallons of ethanol to its platform

January 20, 2020 |

In Tennessee, Harvestone Group announced another ethanol production facility making the transition to its marketing, logistics and trading platform. CORN LP, a 75-million-gallon ethanol plant in Goldfield, IA transitioned onto the Harvestone platform as of January 1.  The Group also transitioned DENCO II, a 36-million-gallon ethanol plant located in Morris, MN in July of 2019.    

These facilities are exclusively marketed through the Harvestone platform under five-year agreements and represent another volumetric milestone for the company. Harvestone continues building on a solid foundation and unique business model; paving the way for future growth with several more plant transitions and expansion throughout the supply chain over the next several months.   

Category: Fuels

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