The 10 Big WOWs from ABLC day 2

May 4, 2021 |

10. BIO-MADE launches: It’s not a consortium, it’s a small galaxy 

BIO-MADE is less than a month old, officially. The map of collaborators is starting to look like one of those star-forming nurseries that Hubble is often photographing. Really, it’s gone past consortium, or coalition of the willing, even past constellation, it’s like one of those extremely luminous infrared galaxies that NASA discovers from time to time, like WISE J224607.57-052635.0 clocking in a 300 trillion times the luminosity of our sun. The BIO-MADE consortium’s task is just as awesome, develop technologies to enhance US bioindustrial competitiveness, enable bioindustrial manufacturing at all scale, de-risk investment in relevant infrastructure and expand the biomanufacturing workforce. 

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