Competitive Edge: Nzyme2HC’s hydrogen tech

December 2, 2021 |

Q: What was the reason for founding your organization – what was the open niche you saw that could be addressed with a new product or service? What was the problem, or gap, or opportunity?

There was no existing way to produce Hydrogen that was simultaneously renewable (no CO2 emissions) and price-competitive with fossil (Steam Methane Reforming of Nat Gas). If one wants demand for FCVs (Fuel Cell Vehicles) to be maximized and for the vehicles to proliferate, there must be a method that meets both criteria. We do. Our currently estimated TCP (Total Cost of Production) is $0.65 (US)/kg (That is generation only. No compression, storage, distribution). Hydrogen is $250B global market and growing at a rapid pace.

Q: Tell us about your organization. What do you do?

We generate H2 using minimal electricity (far less than electrolysis of water)+industrial acidic waste (proton source)+Hydrogenase enzyme as combining and generation platform. With US DOE funding we proved we can in fact make H2 this way at NREL. We believe we can be the absolute cheapest way to make Hydrogen.

Hydrogenase naturally makes a massive amount of H2 per unit time inside a microbe. Taking it in vitro allows the output to be even higher. We are working closely with Dr. Mike Adams at UGA, who is perhaps the world’s preeminent Hydrogenase expert, in this regard. And Dr. Eric Hoek at UCLA, who is a successful serial entrepreneur as well, and marquee expert on water/waste usage/separation techniques via membranes etc. While our CTO, Bill Schank is a global leader on electricity having run the USABC (US Advanced Battery Consortium) for 7 years, and is former Chief Engineer Ballard Fuel Cell, and was key executive with Ford Motor Company for 35 years on both EV and FCV projects.

Q: What stage of development are you?

Pilot stage – proven at small, non-integrated scale

Q: What do your technologies, products or services do and accomplish – how does it (they) work, who is it (they) aimed for?

Bottom line, Hydrogen is the “currency” of all fuels. It is the only element that creates any energy in any hydrocarbon. It is indeed a commodity, so price-sensitivity is tantamount to success. Having the lowest cost of production gives the US concrete competitive advantage in all fuels and chemicals that include Hydrogen. They key to the lowest price is that we source protons at a zero on net negative cost as the industries we source them from typically are paying to treat/dispose of said waste and benefit by avoiding those costs that lower EPS and also add a net-new revenue stream.

Q: Competitively, what gives your technology, product or service set an edge in cost or performance, sustainability, or any other aspect, that makes it stand out from the crowd, In short, what makes it transformative?

Nzyme2HC now also has a patented product that can take CO2 (i.e., from coal-fired electrical utility flues) and make pure ethylene (via a genetically-manipulated cyanobacteria). The ethylene can then be polymerized to make hard plastic replacement water pipes as per the Biden Infrastructure plan. Clean Coal to Clean Water. Longer-term, it can be used for colony building materials on Mars using the CO2-centric atmosphere of the Red Planet.

Q: What are the 3 top milestones you have accomplished in the past 3 years?

  1. 1. Proved this works with DOE money at credible third-party venue (NREL).
  2. 2. Raised several angel investor tranches.
  3. 3. Established strategic partnerships with the waste sources so scaling can be facilitated.

Q: What are the 3 top milestones you will accomplish in the next 3 years?

  1. 1. $3MM Series “A” in second half 2021 to maximize system for H2 throughput/time.
  2. 2. Juxtaposed pilot at an industrial waste source site (likely a mining operation or a steel manufacturing plant) in 2023.
  3. 3. Finalize partnership choices for complimentary alliances that will handle storage and distribution-2022.

Q. Where can I learn more about Nzyme2HC?

Contact Steve Cardona at [email protected] for more information.

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