ORLEN Południe converting glycerol into renewable propylene glycol

May 16, 2023 |

In Poland, ORLEN Południe has recently concluded the first year of operation of its BioPG plant, converting glycerol, a by-product of biodiesel production, into renewable propylene glycol (BioPG).

BioPG obtained from glycerin is bio-based and a highly demanded product used to produce polyester resins, polyurethanes, paints and de-icing solutions, solvents for the food industry, and is used as an ingredient in deodorant sticks and toothpaste. Compared to fossil-based propylene glycol, BioPG reduces the CO2 footprint by at least 60 percent whilst offering the same product quality.

Air Liquide Engineering & Construction provided the license, basic engineering, and proprietary equipment for the new plant, combining its expertise with commercially-proven BASF technology.

Category: Fuels

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