Dutch design festival offers “leave a pee, take a pee-based soap” experience

October 24, 2023 |

In the Netherlands, Dutch Design Week is featuring an innovative pop-up shop where customers can exchange a jar of their own pee for a bar of Piss Soap.   The novel barter opportunity from Nieuwe Instituut—a Rotterdam museum for architecture, design and digital culture—challenges patrons to consider consumption patterns that are less transactional and more resource conscious.

Piss Soap is the brainchild of Arthur Guilleminot, an “ecodeviant artist and positive maverick that practices fertile and generative disobedience,” according to his website

Those wanting a bar of Piss Soap—which is made from the urine of previous participants and other waste materials, like cooking oil—can simply leave their pee in special containers left in the venue’s bathroom.  “The idea was to revive the ancient tradition of using pee to make soap, which was done for many centuries, including in ancient Rome,” said Guilleminot. “Could I make a modern product using this ingredient and, in the meantime, also change our feelings of disgust about our golden organic liquid?”

According to dezeen, Piss Soap is odorless and uses high ammonia content to break up dirt and grease.

More on the story.

Category: Chemicals & Materials

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