Pinalen multipurpose cleaner earns USDA-certified biobased product label

December 16, 2023 |

In Texas, AlEn USA, an affiliate of Grupo AlEn, announced that it has earned the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) Certified Biobased Product Label for its multipurpose cleaner Pinalen.

The firm noted that Pinalen multipurpose cleaner can now display a unique USDA label that highlights it contains 100% biobased content. Third-party verification for a product’s biobased content is administered through the USDA BioPreferred Program, which strives to increase the development, purchase, and use of biobased products.

Vernell Thompson of the USDA BioPreferred Program, said: “The label is intended to help spur economic development, create new jobs, and provide new markets for farm commodities. But the label also makes it easier for consumers and federal buyers to locate biobased products and consider planet-friendlier options during purchase decisions.”

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